Leadership Resource Group

Article References
About Us
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Qualities
Managing Change
Situational Leadership Theory
Servant Leadership Theory


America’s Premier Soldier-Statesman (2006)



Ashkanasy N, and Dasborough, (2003). Emontional awareness and emotional intelligence in leadership teaching. Journal of Education Business. 79(1). 18-21.


Caruso, David, Mayer and John D, (2002). The Effective Leader: understanding and applying emotional intelligence. Ivey Business Journal. 67(1).


Chan Kim W, Mauborgne R, &Van der Heyden L., (2002). General Failings. The Financial Times.


Childcraft. (1990). Exploring the Past. World Book International


Cynthia L, Kemper, (1999). EQ vs. IQ. Communications World. 16(9). 15-20


Daniel Coleman, (1995). The EQ factor: new brain research suggests that emotions, not IQ, may be the true measure of human intelligence. Time. 146(14). 60-68


Davidson, P. & Griffen R., (2003). Management an Australian Perspective 2nd Edition. Wiley & Sons, Australia.


Dean, P., (2007). Napoleon as a Military Commander: the Limitations of a Genius. Research subjects: Napoleon himself, the Napoleon series. http://www.napoleon-series.org/research/napoleon/c_genius.html


Durbin, Dalgish and Miller (2006). Leadership: 2nd Asia Pacific Edition. John Wiley and Sons Australia, Ltd.


Eugene Wallingford. (April 6, 2007). Knowing and Doing: reflections of an academic and computer scientist. http://cs.uni.edu/~wallingf/blog/archives/cat_7.html


Haywood, A. & Sparks J. (1982). The Concise English Dictionary. OMEGA Books, London.


Huges R, Ginnett R, and Curphy G, (2002). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd.


HiTec Holdings. (2006). Profiles of leadership. http://www.elites.com/p-profiles.html


Huges R, Ginnett R, and Curphy G, (2002). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd.


Macaleer W, and Shannon J, (2002). Emontional Intelligence: how does it affect leadership? Employment Relations Today. 29(3). 9-19.


Maetrix Improving Business Performance, (2004). Emotional Intelligence. www.maetrix.com.au/ei.asp


McLelland R, (2003). Emotional intelligence in the Australian context. http://www.pacificconsulting.com.au/articles_ei.htm#The%20Behaviour%20Model


McShane, S. & Travaglione, T. (2003). Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim. McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd.


Moss Kanter. (2005). Power Failure in Management Circuits, in Shafritz, J., Ott S., & Jang (Eds.). Classics of Organisation Theory, Fort Worth, Harcourt Brace.


Rodger Gill, (2002). Emotional Intelligence: its role in organisational success. Training Journal. 30-35.


Viljoen, J and Dann, S. (2003) Strategic Management 4th ed Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest


What is Situational Leadership? Description (2007)



World Book. (1974). The World Book Encyclopedia Vol. 14 N-O. Field Enterprises Educational Corporation
